
"Studying is the best time of your life!" you hear again and again, and looking back, it's true. You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you and the regularity of working life is still far away - what could be better?

But there are also times during your studies that are not so rosy. Exam nerves, lack of money, self-doubt, writer's block, even serious illnesses or pregnancies are issues that have always occupied students "alongside" their studies and always will.

We are there for you if you have problems that you cannot solve on your own. Dare to take the first step and come to our open office hours, write an email or give us a call. We will try to make an appointment with you as soon as possible and take care of your issue. Together we will look for solutions and certainly find them.

Your contact persons

Kindermann, Pia
Psychosoziale Beratung
Phone:  03731 383207 03731 383207
Fax: 03731 383102
Büro Psychosoziale Beratung (1. OG), Petersstraße 5, 09599 Freiberg
ODER Beratungscenter (EG), Wohnhaus 3, Am Schwanenteich 8, 09648 MW
Boeck, Diana
Sozialberatung & Härtefonds des DSW e.V.
Phone:  03731 383202 03731 383202
Fax: 03731 383102
Büro Sozialberatung (1. OG), Petersstraße 5, 09599 Freiberg
ODER Beratungscenter (EG), Wohnhaus 3, Am Schwanenteich 8, 09648 MW
Consultation hours


Freistaat Sachsen

The Studentenwerk Freiberg is co-financed by tax revenues on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament.

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

Wenn Sie ein Zimmer anzubieten haben, dann klicken Sie bitte hier.

Die Zimmersuche für Studierende wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt freigeschaltet.