External consulting services


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Addiction conselling and treatment centres

This is where you can turn to if you have problems with alcohol, drugs and non-substance-related addictions (e.g. PC games; Internet use; sports).

Diakonisches Werk Freiberg e. V.

Suchtberatungs- und Behandlungsstelle

Petersstr. 44
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 482 100
E-Mail: sucht@diakonie-freiberg.de


Außenstelle Brand-Erbisdorf

Elite Gewerbepark GmbH
Dammstraße 2-4
09618 Brand-Erbisdorf

Phone: 037322 / 25 05

Blaues Kreuz Diakoniewerk mGmbH

Suchtberatungs- und Behandlungsstelle
Neustadt 11
09648 MIttweida

Phone: 03727 / 93 05 79
E-Mail: suchtberatung.mittweida@blaues-kreuz.de

Official medical and social psychiatric service / health counselling

Counselling support in everyday life and crisis management, including home visits, mediation in specialist medical and psychotherapeutic treatment, advice and support in official matters ...

Landratsamt Mittelsachsen


Postal adress: Frauensteiner Straße 43, 09599 Freiberg
Visitors adress: Am Landratsamt 3, 09648 Mittweida

Phone: 03731 / 799 6249
E-Mail: gesundheit@landkreis-mittelsachsen.de

List of registered doctors and psychotherapists

The medical on-call service is available free of charge by telephone and helps you to find a suitable doctor or standby doctor:

Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst

Phone: 116 117 ( in case of an emergency please call 112)


The following page can help you find a suitable doctor or psychotherapist in your area:

Emergency coordination centre 112

In life-threatening situations that require rapid medical attention or in the case of fire.


Phone: 112

Police 110

In the event of danger to life and body, assault, violence, threat or accident.


Phone: 110

Poison emergency call / Poison information centre (Erfurt)

The poison emergency call or poison information centres are available 24 hours a day for urgent cases of poisoning.

GGIZ Erfurt

Gemeinsames Giftinformationszentrum der Länder Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen in Erfurt

Phone: 03 61/730 730

Women´s shelter

For women and their children affected or threatened by violence. The women's shelter offers women and their children affected by domestic violence and stalking temporary housing, protection and counselling.

Frauenschutzhaus Freiberg

Postfach 1301
09583 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 225 61
E-Mail: kontakt@frauenschutzhausfreiberg.de

Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus Chemnitz

Frauenhilfe Chemnitz e.V.
Postfach 764
09007 Chemnitz

Phone: 0371 / 273 741 0
E-Mail: frauenhaus-chemnitz@arcor.de

Help telephone in case of violence against women

Phone: 0800 / 011 601 6 (multilingual)

Telephone counselling

The telephone counselling centres are available day and night, even on weekends and public holidays, nationwide. The offer applies to everyone who needs advice, whether old or young, whether employed, housewife, trainee or pensioner, whether Protestant, Catholic, members of another religious community or without church affiliation.

The telephone counselling is open for all problem areas and for all callers in their respective situation. No confessional, political or ideological pressure is exerted on callers.

Phone: 0800 1110111 ( free of charge) or 0800 1110222 ( free of charge)


Kreiskrankenhaus Freiberg gGmbH

Donatsring 20
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 770

Krankenhaus Mittweida Servicegesellschaft mbH

Hainichener Straße 4-6

Phone: 03727 / 990

Outpatient psychiatric clinic

Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz Freiberg

Scheunenstraße 13
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 798 711

as part of the Fachkrankenhauses Bethanien Hochweitzschen
04720 Großweitzschen
OT Hochweitzschen

Phone: 03431 / 656 0

MVZ Mittweida GbR

Neurologisch-Psychiatrisches Versorgungszentrum

Hainichener Str. 4-6
09648 Mittweida

Phone: 03727 / 99 10 00
E-Mail: kontakt@mvz-mittweida.de

Debt counselling

Social debt counselling is aimed at all persons who have financial problems. It ensures discretion and guarantees confidentiality. Social debt counselling is based on the principle of voluntariness. It promotes personal responsibility on the part of those affected and strengthens help for self-help.

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Mittweida e. V.

Poststraße 29
09648 Mittweida

Phone: 03727 / 955 744 and 03727 / 955 756
E-Mail: sb@awo-suedsachsen.de

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Freiberg e. V.

Beratungsstelle Freiberg

Forstweg 65
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 795 724
E-Mail: schuldnerberatung1@awofreiberg.de

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Mittweida e. V.

Poststraße 29
09648 Mittweida

Phone: 03727 / 955 744 and 03727 / 955 756
E-Mail: sb@awo-suedsachsen.de

Pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counselling

The employees of the pregnancy and conflict pregnancy counselling centre are the contact persons for both intended and unintended pregnancies. They guarantee secrecy and confidentiality. The social pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counselling is based on the principle of voluntariness and is free of charge. It promotes personal responsibility and strengthens help for self-help.

Diakonisches Werk Freiberg

Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatungsstelle

Petersstr. 44
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 48 22 50
E-Mail: schwangber@diakonie-freiberg.de

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Mittweida e. V.

Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatungsstelle

Poststraße 29
09648 Mittweida

Phone: 03727 / 955 741 und 03727 / 955 742
E-Mail: skb@awo-suedsachsen.de

Social counselling by the town of Freiberg

Disability and identity card; social and family passport; GEZ applications; assistance with rent debts or impending homelessness:

Stadtverwaltung Freiberg

Amt für Bildung, Jugend und Soziales

Obermarkt 24
09599 Freiberg

Phone: 03731 / 273 333 oder  03731 / 273 335 

German child protection asociation regional association Freiberg e.V.

Education and meeting place; parent-child courses; meeting place for single mothers and fathers; babysitter placement; help fund "Families in need"; accompanied contact for families in separation, etc.

Kinderschutzbund Freiberg e.V.

Friedeburger Str. 15
09599 Freiberg

Telefon: 03731 / 269550

Contact and information centre for self-help

Network of self-help in Central Saxony:

KISS - Kontakt-und Informationsstelle für Selbsthilfe

Zimmerstr. 14
09648 Mittweida

Your contact person

Kindermann, Pia
Psychosoziale Beratung
Phone:  03731 383207 03731 383207
Fax: 03731 383102
Büro Psychosoziale Beratung (1. OG), Petersstraße 5, 09599 Freiberg
ODER Beratungscenter (EG), Wohnhaus 3, Am Schwanenteich 8, 09648 MW

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

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