AG Kino within the Studentenwerk Freiberg

AG Kino

AG Kino ©Thomas Kruse

Every Monday at 8 p.m. (during the lecture period) for over 60 years the light has been turned off in the Great Lecture Hall (Audimax) in Winklerstraße, the cinema gong sounds, the stage curtain opens and the screen becomes bright.

You can choose the films you want to see yourself: because you have to watch trailers on the first Monday of the exam period. We'll show you about 30 trailers, from which you can choose your favourite films according to genre.What most of you don't know: In the technical room there's no shabby Bluray player, into which the silver disc is thrown, but there are two real cinema machines for 35 mm cinema film format, with which the individual film reels are played.Anyone who wants to see something like this in real life is welcome to come and see the "sanctum" of the Kino-AG. Maybe you'd like to become a member of the AG too.

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

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