Information for new applicants

You are going to start your studies in Freiberg or Mittweida and you are looking for a affordable place to live and that is near the university?

Then the Studentenwerk Freiberg could provide you a reliable solution.

The Studentenwerk has approx. 1500 modern apartments in Freiberg and Mittweida.

All our apartments have access to the internet and nearly all of them are close to the university. We have a fixed rent including all additional costs (like heating costs, power costs and costs for television/internet). There will be no subsequent payment or additional costs.

We have apartments for all different types of personal preferences. We can provide you single aparments or apartments for two up to six persons.

In the shared flats you will have a room of your own. You will share the kitchen and/or the bathroom with your flatmate. So there will be someone else to talk with or have a good time with.

Have a look at our prices in our rent index Freiberg or our rent index Mittweida.

Take a look at our housing complexes with all the different types of housing.

If you decide to live in one of our dormitories then fill in the online application and sent it to us. We will answer as fast as possible.

Please notice: There is such a high demand for our student halls of residence (especially in the winter term) so please apply as early as possible. So there will be a higher chance to get the best fitting apartment for you. We will take the applications at every time and prioritise them in the order of their arrival (look at the general conditions for the residence halls of Freiberg student service). There is no need to have the certificate of enrolment or an agreement by the university to apply. When signing the rental agreement and moving in our apartment you need to hand in your certificate of enrolment.

All required information for your rental agreement will be included in the acceptance letter. Call us if there are any unanswered questions.

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

Wenn Sie ein Zimmer anzubieten haben, dann klicken Sie bitte hier.

Die Zimmersuche für Studierende wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt freigeschaltet.