How to find us


Anfahrt ©Thomas Siepmann von

The Studentenwerk Freiberg has the following offices:

Excecutive board

Studentenwerk Freiberg
Agricolastraße 14-16
09599 Freiberg

Please use the entrance from the campus side. Parking is available in the immediate vicinity.

General management

Studentenwerk Freiberg
Allgemeine Verwaltung
Agricolastraße 14-16
09599 Freiberg

Please use the entrance from the campus side. Parking is available in the immediate vicinity.


Studentenwerk Freiberg
Abteilung Wohnen
Agricolastraße 14-16
09599 Freiberg

Please use the entrance from the campus side. Parking is available in the immediate vicinity.

Beratungscenter Mittweida
In Mittweida our consulting center is located in the residential complex Am Schwanenteich 8, house 3.

Office hours:

Monday and Thursday 11.00 - 15.30 o'clock

Social services

The office for social services is located in the student house "Alte Mensa" in the town centre. Parking is available in the "Altstadt" multi-storey car park (access via Schillerstraße, use exit Fischerstraße, Petersstraße is the next parallel street).

Studentenwerk Freiberg
Soziale Dienste
Petersstraße 5
09599 Freiberg

Beratungscenter Mittweida
In Mittweida you will find our consulting center in the residential complex Am Schwanenteich 8, house 3. For office hours please refer to our employees Frau Kneip and Frau Kindermann.

Culture and communication

Studentenwerk Freiberg
Kultur und Kommunikation
Agricolastraße 14-16
09599 Freiberg

Please use the entrance from the campus side. Parking is available in the immediate vicinity.

Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (BAföG)

The Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (BAföG-Amt) is located in the student house "Alte Mensa" in the town centre. Parking is available in the "Altstadt" multi-storey car park (access via Schillerstraße, use exit Fischerstraße, Petersstraße is the next parallel street).

Studentenwerk Freiberg
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Petersstraße 5
09599 Freiberg

Beratungscenter Mittweida
In Mittweida our consulting center is located in the residential complex Am Schwanenteich 8, house 3.

Office hours:
September - January: Tuesday, from 9.00 - 11.00 o'clock and 12.00 - 15.00 o'clock
February - March: every 1st & 3rd Tuesday from 9.00 - 11.00 o'clock and 12.00 - 15.00 o'clock


Mensa Freiberg
Agricolastraße 10A
09599 Freiberg

Note for suppliers: The supplier entrance is located at the back of the Mensa, opposite the building Winklerstraße 16 (the next parallel street).

Mensa Mittweida
Weststraße 11
09648 Mittweida

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

Wenn Sie ein Zimmer anzubieten haben, dann klicken Sie bitte hier.

Die Zimmersuche für Studierende wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt freigeschaltet.