Semester fee and legislation


Gesetze ©HHS von

The semester fee

The Studentenwerk's services are financed by income from the Mensa and dormitories, contributions to day nurseries, subsidies from the State Ministry of Science and Arts, reimbursements of costs and donations. Since this income is not sufficient to cover all costs, each student is charged a semester fee. In addition to the amount stated in the fee regulations, a euro amount is added to support the work of the Student Council.

Procedure for reimbursement of semester fees

The reimbursement of the semester fee is carried out in a written application procedure. The completed application form and the required documents must be sent to the office of the managing director. The university's processing note legitimises the possibility of reimbursement. In the case of distance or continuing studies, the application must be accompanied by evidence of the stay during the distance or continuing studies. In any case, the payment of the semester fee must be documented by the enrolment certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung).

Please also note

The latest date for submitting your application to the Studentenwerk is the last working day of February for the summer semester and August for the winter semester at the Hochschule Mittweida. For the TU Bergakademie Freiberg this applies accordingly to the months of March and September.

You can download the application form for reimbursement of the Studentenwerk contribution as a PDF document.

Further legal bases

The basic principles on which the Studentenwerk Freiberg acts are based on the laws passed by the Free State of Saxony and the Federal Government. If there were any particular assessments to be made for the Studentenwerk Freiberg, these were written down by the administrative board in the basic regulations.

News & Aktuelles aus Freiberg

Das Studentenwerk Freiberg startet zum 01. Juli 2024 eine Vermittlung von Privatzimmern in Freiberg. Damit soll all denjenigen Studienanfängerinnen und –anfängern Unterstützung geleistet werden, die keine Möglichkeit erhalten haben, in einem der Studentenwohnheime zu wohnen.

Wenn Sie ein Zimmer anzubieten haben, dann klicken Sie bitte hier.

Die Zimmersuche für Studierende wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt freigeschaltet.