Child care

In order to be able to master a degree programme with a child, the question of child care must be answered. In Germany, there is a legal entitlement to child care in a day nursery (Kita "Kindertagesstätte"). A number of providers with different pedagogical concepts provide a variety of possible child care options.

We are therefore not the only provider of day care places for students with children. With our offers, however, we try to respond to the special needs of student mothers and fathers and, of course, also the "little ones".

Of course, you have the opportunity to look around and ask any questions you may have with us and with the other institutions that run the nurseries. However, please let us know in advance so that the heads of the institutions have the opportunity to take enough time for you.

How do I get a child care place?

There is a common application procedure for all child care facilities for early childhood development in Freiberg. Here you can print out the standard form (German) for applying for a child care place. It is also available at our nurseries or can be obtained from the Freiberg municipal administration at the information desk in the Bürgerhaus or at the Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs.

Information on the individual nurseries can be found on the website of the town of Freiberg in the overview of care services ("Übersicht der Betreuungsangebote").

If you would like your child to be cared for in our nursery, please indicate it as the first desired facility on the application form.

Attention!!! Students must also state their status on the application form under „Die Wunscheinrichtung wurde ausgewählt weil: …..“.

Please fill out the application form completely, sign it and submit it at least 6 months before the desired start of care to the municipal administration of Freiberg, Obermarkt 24, 09599 Freiberg, "Amt für Bildung Jugend und Soziales", Room 213. They will also answer your questions and help you with the application.

Your contact person

Liebernickel, Antje
Abteilungsleiterin Soziale Dienste
Phone:  03731 383 208 03731 383 208
Fax: 03731 383 102
Petersstraße 5, 09599 Freiberg
Boeck, Diana
Sozialberatung & Härtefonds des DSW e.V.
Phone:  03731 383202 03731 383202
Fax: 03731 383102
Büro Sozialberatung (1. OG), Petersstraße 5, 09599 Freiberg
ODER Beratungscenter (EG), Wohnhaus 3, Am Schwanenteich 8, 09648 MW
Consultation hours

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