FIT KID - the Healthy Eating Campaign for Kitas!
FIT KID ©Sabine Schrenk
Healthy and varied food is important - especially for toddlers, because in the first years of life the taste is developed that influences people throughout their lives.
The Studentenwerk Freiberg has set itself the goal of offering children a high-quality and certified lunch in its day nurseries. For this reason, the "FIT KID Certification" was carried out after a long and time-consuming preparation period. Not only the lunch, which is prepared in the Mensa Freiberg strictly separated from the student catering, was examined under the magnifying glass. It was also checked, for example, whether games and food are separated, which drinks are available, whether the children are included in the design of the menu and much more, things the uninitiated may not even imagine.
At the beginning of 2013, the time had come: both day nurseries received the "FIT KID Kita" certificate, making them the first children's facilities in Saxony to receive this title.
If you want to know which dishes are hidden behind "FIT KID", take a look at the menu of the nurseries. And for those who want to find out more, have a look at the homepage of "FIT KID".