Our groups


Not only adults should find their way around the day nursery, but above all the children. This is why there are symbols in the entrance area of each group at eye level with the children. These serve as orientation for the children.

In the crèche area we look after 35 children. A total of 5 rooms of different sizes are available for sleeping and playing.

  • 23 children 0.4 - 3 years old
  • 12 children 0.4 - 3 years old

In the kindergarten area, 30 children at the age of 3 are cared for until they start school. This wing of the building contains several activity areas, besides...

  • Function room: role play with doll's kitchen, doll's corner and retreat possibilities
  • Functional room: building and construction
  • creative room
  • games hall with book corner

...also a children's restaurant from which you can go directly into the garden.

Your contact persons

Thurecht, Heike
Leiterin, Erzieherin, Praxisanleiterin, Kneipp-Gesundheitserzieherin, Naturpädagogin, Kinder-Yoga Übungsleiterin
Phone:  03731 383205 03731 383205
Fax: 03731 383102
Winklerstraße 10
09599 Freiberg
Neubert, Caroline
Ständige Vertretung, Erzieherin, Heilpädagogische Zusatzqualifikation, Kneipp-Gesundheitserzieherin, Praxisanleiterin
Phone:  03731 383205 03731 383205
Fax: 03731 383102
Winklerstraße 10
09599 Freiberg

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