The Parents' Association "Villa Kunterbunt" e.V. introduces itself

At the beginning of the 90s, the day nursery on Hornmühlenweg was threatened with closure, so on 17.01.1995 concerned and at the same time motivated parents and teachers founded the association "Villa Kunterbunt" e.V. and fought for the preservation of the facility. However, because the Studentenwerk Freiberg offered itself in the following as the responsible body of the day nursery, the parents' association today is not the responsible body but the promoter of the nursery and dedicates itself primarily to supporting tasks.
The association "Villa Kunterbunt" e.V. is non-profit, denominational and politically neutral. It feels connected to students with children according to the environment of the nursery.
Our goal is the promotion and support of the education, upbringing and care of the children in this institution, as well as the preservation of the day nursery Hornmühlenweg in general. With the annual membership fee, smaller and larger purchases for the facility, as well as events are financed - things for which otherwise no or very, very little funds are available. The contributions of all association members go 100% to our children.
Contact person of the Parents' Association