Frequently asked questions

Häufige Fragen

Häufige Fragen ©Tony Hegewald von

How can the Psycho-Social Counselling Centre (PSB) help me?

In the psychosocial counselling centre students of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida receive psychological counselling:

  • Individual counselling and counselling for couples
  • Self-help groups
  • Tutorial coaching
  • Workshops on specific topics

In general, we manage to offer you an initial consultation within two weeks.

Where can I find help in an deep crisis?

Acute crisis often leads to a state of shock with confusion and inappropriate behaviour (e.g. stereotypical movements). The ability to concentrate, attention and judgement can be impaired as well as the ability to make decisions.

Often the thinking is strongly constricted. Uncontrolled emotions can occur, e.g. very depressive or nervous reactions, which are colloquially referred to as "nervous breakdown". Physical side effects can include headaches, fever, malaise or circulatory disorders.

As soon as there is an immediate danger to oneself or others (in particular suicide risk), one should not hesitate to immediately inform a psychiatric emergency service, the rescue service (112) or the police.

If you are currently in a mental crisis, you can:

  • go to your doctor or call him,
  • Contact a hospital (psychiatric department),
  • Contact with the medical (psychiatric) on-call service (EU-wide Tel.: 116 117),
  • contact a help or counselling service for acute crisis situations, for example the telephone counselling service (, an anonymous, free 24/7 counselling at 0800 - 1110111 or 0800 - 1110222


What does the advice cost?

Our counselling service is free of charge for students of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida.

Does someone learn about our conversation at the university?


In all cases, we are bound to secrecy towards third parties regarding your personal data, such as name, course of study, semester, religion, medical history, etc. and also regarding the contents of the conversations entrusted to us. This means that everything you entrust to us in the context of the consultation also remains in the consultation rooms.

How can I reach the counseling center?

To arrange an appointment, you can contact us by email or telephone. It is helpful if you specify time periods that are convenient for you.

You can also use the open consultation hours Monday to Thursday from 11:00 - 12:00 for a first meeting and to make an appointment.

Where can I get additional information?

There are many and different offers on the Internet that can help you. One of these pages is "Mein Masterplan".