Kultur und Veranstaltungen

Kultur und Veranstaltungen ©Detlev Müller

Culture & Events

Student culture is an integral part of the life at the academic institutions. You will have to organize your own cultural life. Thought we are happy to help and support you.

There are plenty of possibilities: both in the vicinity of the university and the Studentenwerk, as well as in the towns itself. Just walk across the campus or through the town with your eyes open and you will find plenty of opportunities to help you get away from the study stress.

The Studentenwerk Freiberg only organises culture itself in exceptional cases. In the focus of its activities is rather the support of student organisations that are dedicated to culture. Some rooms of the Studentenwerk Freiberg are available at a low rent for the organisation of events or regular meetings. All technical, personnel and organisational resources of the Studentenwerk can also be used.

Culture is not a profitable business, because good events often cost more than the income brings. Creative working groups also need a grant from time to time in order to achieve their goals. The Studentenwerk Freiberg therefore participates in the financing of some of these activities.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or good ideas for an even better student culture? Then let us know and we will discuss together how your idea can be supported.

Applications for financial support of cultural events can be filed by any student association or individual students at the Studentenwerk Freiberg. The application form is quickly filled out. If there are any uncertainties, we recommend that you contact us by telephone. Income and planned expenses as well as the amount of the funding requested should be reasonable. After receiving the application, the Studentenwerk Freiberg decides whether the project is eligible and to what extent funding is possible.

Your contact person

Schröder, Christian
Leiter Kultur und Kommunikation
Phone:  03731 383200 03731 383200
Fax: 03731 383102
Agricolastr. 14/16, 09599 Freiberg