Our housing offers by kind of accommodation
Please choose available form of accommodation
Single apartment
My home is my castle. – Your own room, your own bathroom and kitchen.
Shared flat for 2 persons
Having contact to other persons but not too close – a very popular kind of accommodation in our halls of residence - Two separate rooms, a corridor, a shared mini kitchen and bathroom.
Shared flat for 3 persons
The best thing about a shared flat – a big kitchen for all tenants - Your own room, a shared bathroom and kitchen.
Die Flur-WG (3 Personen)
Die besondere WG für 3 Personen: Einzelzimmer mit eigenem Bad zur Alleinnutzung und Gemeinschaftsküche.
Shared flat for 5 persons
Very rare but popular - An own room, shared bathrooms and a shared kitchen.
Shared flat for 6 persons
The best thing for sociable people - Your own room, two shared bathrooms and a shared kitchen.
Zweizimmer Apartment
Gut geeignet zur Alleinnutzung, aber auch für Paare.