Housing offers
Choose from our range of accommodation by

Whether a single apartment or a room in a shared flat – we can offer the suitable kind of accommodation for everyone.

Prefer to decide by location? Near university or some distance away? With us you can find the suitable room at your favourite location.
Basic equipment/standard
All rooms are furnished and equipped with at least one bed including a mattress and mattress covers, a wardrobe, a desk, a shelf and a chair.
The following items are not included in the basic equipment of our halls of residence.
- Bedding (bedcover, pillow), bed linen (can be purchased at the Studentenwerk)
- Pots and dishes
- Electrical devices (small) microwave, water heater, coffee machine etc.
The following items are included in the basic equipment of our halls of residence.
- All rooms have telephone- and TV connection. (DVB-C Receiver needed!)
- There is Internet access in all rooms.
- The kitchens are equipped with sink, refrigerator and cooker.
- The bathrooms have a shower, toilet and washbasin.
A deposit of 450€ has to be paid, from Summer Semester 2023 on.