Tenant Services
The following information are important for tenants of the student halls of residence of the Studentenwerk:
Parts of your rental agreement
Malefunction Message/Repairs/Emergency Repair Services
The caretaker is your first contact person for all damages and defects in the houses, apartments or in your rooms. Please fill in the Notification of defects. Describe the damage or defect as detailed as possible. The caretaker will take care of it and will contact you, so please give your phone number and email address.
Please notice: The caretaker is just available in his working hours. After that, at the weekends and on public holidays you have to call the emergency repair service (no locksmith service, this contact is just for technical emergency as power cut, heating problems, water difficulties, etc.)
Please just call in urgent cases! The caretaker repairs the damage as soon as possible.
Please notice also all the information in the entrance hall of your student hall of residence.
Locksmith Services
If you lock yourselve out of your apartment and the caretaker isn't in the office anymore (after working hours, at the weekends or on public holidays), please call the emergency locksmith service. Please notice: You have to identify yourselve after the door gets opened (via ID Card)and also you have to confirm that you are the tenant of the apartment.
The locksmith service is NOT for free, you have to pay for it.
We did contracts with service companies to get student prices for this service.
Please pay attention to the notices at the black boards!
Fire Safety Regulations for the Student Residence Halls
Please check if there is a real emergency situation. Keep calm and don’t panic. There is the possibility that there is just a false alarm.
Special specifics Freiberg:
Please notice: If the fire alarm starts the fire fighters get informed automatically and they will arrive immediately. It doesn't matter if anybody called them or not.
Winklerstraße / Heinrich Heine Straße / Lomonossow House:
In these houses there is a house alarm system. This system will not inform the fire fighters directly. You have to call the fire department, if there is a fire emergency! (Phone: 112)
Special specifics Mittweida:
In these houses there is a house alarm system. This system will not inform the fire fighters directly. You have to call the fire dapartment, if there is a fire emergency! (Phone: 112)
Please notice:
- Do not call the fire department if it is not a real fire. The student administration will have to pay for the fire brigade operation, it doesn´t make a difference if they have to extinguish a fire or not, they charge the fees.
- In the case of a false alarm only briefed persons can switch the siren off. The fire fighters are not allowed to switch the siren off!!
Government Reporting
Please don't forget to go to the registry office of Freiberg. You have to register yourself during two weeks. It is neccessary to do this with a second residence too. You will need for your registration your ID or passport and your rental agreement.
The registration is also neccassary when you are leaving the Studentenwerk Freiberg or when you move within Freiberg.
Certificate of enrolement as proof for your permission to live in one of our houses
Please don't forget to hand in your certificate of enrolement at the beginning of each term. We need this form to check if you are still allowed to live in our student resident halls. Check this rule at the General Conditions at topic 1.2.
Please hand in the certificate to our employees at the accommodation office.
Contribution Regarding Broadcast Services
Please do not forget to pay the so called "Rundfunkbeiträge" to ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice (former GEZ). You are responsible for that on your own. Students getting BAföG have the possibility to be exempt from this regulation. All info can be found at rundfunkbeitrag.de. The website features the languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Scales of Charges for the Resident Halls of the Studentenwerk Freiberg
The Scales of Charges should give you a short overview of the fees you have to pay for renting a parking spot, for damages and other costs. These costs get charged directly during the semester or when you move in or out your apartment. There they will be charged with your deposit.
Residence Tutor program
In Freiberg we have the residence tutor program for you. For the daily problems, you can contact our multilingual tutors by yourtutors@gmx.de
In Mittweida starts the residence tutor program from Summer semester 2024, you can contact our residence tutors by yourtutorsmittweida@gamil.com