Day care HochschulMinis / T9


Tagespflege ©Detlev Müller

In addition to the day care offered by the "Auenzwerge" day nursery, the Studentenwerk, in cooperation with the city and the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, also offers day care in the immediate vicinity of the campus. This day care is aimed particularly at student parents in the field of social work who often only need part-time care for their children. Of course, this does not mean that permanent child care cannot be provided. Please note, however, that even with this form of support, an acclimatisation period is necessary in any case.

The building Technikumplatz 9 ("T9") is located directly on the campus. In addition to an information centre and a youth club in the main building, the comfortable day care rooms are located in the annex. As in a "real" apartment, there is a hallway, a bathroom, a large living room with kitchen corner and a bedroom. Even a small outdoor area with a sandpit and playground equipment can be found, so that nothing stands in the way of a carefree child's life.

Your contact person

Kaulfuß-Meißner, Anke
Tagesmutti HochschulMinis
Phone:  03727-9992025 03727-9992025
Technikumplatz 9, 09648 Mittweida